Friday 16 September 2011

"Love that car"

This has been quite a lengthy process. Lots of layering of colours. Working out what colour needs to be sprayed on first. Then Masking and painting and then more masking up and painting.


Results are the red bumper, black music lines with the white background, spotlight outline and then the silver, brilliant. What a clever and talanted craftsman my brother is

Little SCargo's starting to feel like her old self again. It's all taking shape now. I'm getting very EXCITED. As the saying goes STAY TUNED for the up and coming reveal

Wednesday 7 September 2011

"Love that car"

 After completely rubbing her back. Cleaning underneath the body and the engine. 
SCargo has now been undercoated. YEAH!!

Now for the exciting part SCargo getting her bright new clothes.  I can't wait.

Thursday 1 September 2011

 My S Cargo still with a bit of shine. Not for long though, a buffers headed her way. We still intend to keep the speakers in the bumper.  
Once used as a Mr whippy van, Scargo had to play the all important  
Green Sleeves tune to the neighbourhood. 
 I see it as a perfect traveling boom box for my kids singing group

 Although at this stage she is looking a little sad, my car's now all rubbed back and ready and waiting for the all important undercoat.

Hidden underneath the decals is a clue to my SCargos former life, we have no idea what it says?

Wednesday 27 July 2011

One Layer gone

So, most of the decals have now been removed. It's a big job but going to be worth it. I really like the purple/blue colour and very tempted to use it as the base colour of the car.

However, I realised it wouldn't work as it's nowhere near our business colours. Good job there's others involved to keep me on track.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

A family affair


Surveying the situation and taking a deep breath. The removal of the decals begin. Not an easy job. Wrecked finger nails and aching arms from holding the heat gun.

Sorry to the "car sales man" who desperately wanted us to in corporate the existing decals into our own design. We did try but couldn't see anyway possible other than giving her a  ENTIRE NEW OUTFIT

Friday 24 June 2011

Nissan S Cargo van – a new member of the team.

Thinking we needed a mobile billboard, it seemed that a Nissan S Cargo van would be perfect for our business so we set out to find one. After looking at three in Sydney, getting one of the brothers to check out three more on the Gold Coast, we ended up driving from Wollongong, NSW to Melbourne, Vic  (850 K's each way) to check out three vans. Returning home with the pick of the bunch – on a car trailer towed by a truck. Now we just can't wait to "dress her in new clothes" to support our business.